Dear all,
Good news! I passed my FYP..matter of fact, the whole class passed which means we all get to graduate together and no one gets left out!! :D Isn't that great? Now everyone can sleep peacefully. Then again, I have no idea what marks did I get nor do I know what sort of honours will I be ending up with..* please let it be second upper class..since first is definitely out of list already * ( T.T )
So what was I up to so far?
1) Monday:
- Broga Hill Climb:
Woke up 3.30 am in the morning ( getting less than 3 hours of sleep), set out to Broga
around 4 and start hiking around 5am. Climbing up was relatively easy except for the last peak where
boulders were blocking the way and one have to climb up to get to the top ( would be easy if only it is less
slippery..damn the rainy season). Climbing down was a nightmare!!Looking downwards at the steepness
of the hill and start wondering how did I get up there in the first place...slight altophobia perhaps.
Anyway, the climb was worth it: nice scenery, got to know a new canine friend, good workout..the cons?
A nice pair of shoes gone dirty and messy, a sore quads ( it's still sore!), a few slight cuts here and there
and worst of all, one shade darker..despite all the effort taken to prevent myself from further tan..well,
some of them enjoyed the sun because : They are sunproof or probably they are just Indians ( not being
racist here)..
A newfound furry friend |
Just the Fugly me |
- Went for Life of Pi with SP and SK..not bad a movie..interesting scripts, nice graphics..but storyline a
bit unbelievable..well, fair enough though..7/10.
2) Tuesday:
- Was supposed to go to Genting then all plans got screwed up..half of the other party in the class went to
Pulau Ketam ( Nobody seemed to trust me when this ex-Klang boy tries to tell them it's BORING
there)..well, nevermind...Went to MidValley with SP instead to hunt for some early X-mas pressie.Both
of us walking like some weird duck due to Quads soreness @@
3) Wednesday:
- Initially planned to go to FRIM ( Originally supposed to head to Gua Tempurung and maybe overnight
over at Cameron H but well, things did not went smooth) but wasn't feeling too well..SK decided to call
it off because of me. Was planning to stay at home and rest but the gang asked me out for Wreck-
it-Ralph so tag along and watched it second time ( first time was 3D which I don't really enjoy that
much).Highly recommended : 9/10
- After movie, gang decided to go for Japanese Buffet at Shogun till burst..end up puking half of
what I ate in the washroom..honestly I am not a buffet person..SK and AD went back first. Me and SP
continues hunting for xmas pressie for the boys inc myself ( THANKS SP!!) a few clothes for CNY
4) Thursday:
- Oh it's today..didn't do much..just went out for lunch with gang, went to gym because I have not done
so for the past few days and I can see myself getting more like a balloon waiting to burst out of my
and that's all for now..
Yours Truly,
Chris C